Package 'plink'

Title: IRT Separate Calibration Linking Methods
Description: Item response theory based methods are used to compute linking constants and conduct chain linking of unidimensional or multidimensional tests for multiple groups under a common item design. The unidimensional methods include the Mean/Mean, Mean/Sigma, Haebara, and Stocking-Lord methods for dichotomous (1PL, 2PL and 3PL) and/or polytomous (graded response, partial credit/generalized partial credit, nominal, and multiple-choice model) items. The multidimensional methods include the least squares method and extensions of the Haebara and Stocking-Lord method using single or multiple dilation parameters for multidimensional extensions of all the unidimensional dichotomous and polytomous item response models. The package also includes functions for importing item and/or ability parameters from common IRT software, conducting IRT true score and observed score equating, and plotting item response curves/surfaces, vector plots, information plots, and comparison plots for examining parameter drift.
Authors: Jonathan P. Weeks <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Jonathan P. Weeks <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.5-1
Built: 2025-03-03 06:19:13 UTC

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ACT Mathematics Test 1997-1998 Multiple-Choice Model


This (unidimensional) dataset includes multiple-choice model item parameter estimates for two groups. There are 60 items, all of which are common items. The estimates are from the 1997 and 1998 ACT mathematics test. The item parameters were obtained from the examples for the software mceq written by Bradley Hanson.




A list of length two. The matrices in the two list elements contain multiple-choice model item parameters for 1997 and 1998 respectively. The first six columns in each matrix are the slope parameters, the next six columns are the category difficulty parameters, and the last five columns are the lower asymptote parameters.


Kim, J.-S. & Hanson, B. A. (2002). Test Equating Under the Multiple-Choice Model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26(3), 255-270.

The item parameters can be found here

ACT Mathematics Test 1997-1998 Nominal Response Model


This (unidimensional )dataset includes nominal response model item parameter estimates for two groups. There are 60 items, all of which are common items. The estimates are from the 1997 and 1998 ACT mathematics test. The item parameters were obtained from the examples for the software nreq written by Bradley Hanson.




A list of length two. The matrices in the two list elements contain nominal response model item parameters for 1997 and 1998 respectively. The first six columns in each matrix are the slope parameters and the next six columns are the category difficulty parameters.


Kim, J.-S. & Hanson, B. A. (2002). Test Equating Under the Multiple-Choice Model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26(3), 255-270.

The item parameters can be found here objects


This function attempts to turn the given values into an object that is used primarily with the plink function.

Usage, common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions = 1, 
  location = FALSE, grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric', 'missing', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'missing', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'missing', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'missing', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'missing', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'matrix', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'list', common, cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, 
  grp.names, ...)



an R object containing item parameters. For details on the formatting of parameters for specific item response models see the corresponding methods (i.e., drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm ). See below for details on combining parameters from multiple models.


j x 2 matrix or list of matrices identifying the common items between adjacent groups in x. This argument is only applicable when x includes two or more groups


vector or list of the number of response categories for each item in x. if x is a list, cat should be a list as well. For multiple-choice model items, cat is the number of response categories plus one (the additional category is for 'do not know')


a poly.mod object or a list of poly.mod objects (one for each group in x)


numeric vector identifying the number of modeled dimensions in each group.


logical vector identifying whether the parameters in x include a location parameter (i.e., for polytomous items)


character vector of group names


further arguments passed to or from other methods


Returns an object of class


x = "numeric", common = "missing"

This method should only be used for the Rasch model where x is a vector of difficulty parameters (or parameters related to item difficulty in the multidimensional case). Under this method the slopes and lower asymptote values for all items will default to one and zero respectively. This is true for both the unidimensional and multidimensional case.

x = "matrix", common = "missing"

x can include item parameters from multiple models. The general format for structuring x is an additive column approach. That is, the left-most columns are typically for discrimination/slope parameters, the next column, if applicable, is for location parameters, the next set of columns is for difficulty/threshold/step/category parameters, and the final set of columns is for lower asymptote (guessing) parameters. When multiple models are included, or models with differing numbers of response categories, not all cells in x may have data. In these instances, cells with no data should be NA. The resulting matrix will be an n x k matrix for n items and k equal to the maximum number of columns (across all item response models). In essence, the combination of multiple models is equivalent to formatting the item parameters for each response model separately, stacking the matrices on top of one another and then filling in any missing cells with NAs.

x = "data.frame", common = "missing"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list", common = "missing"

This method can include a list with one, two, or three elements. In general, these elements correspond to discrimination/slope parameters, difficulty/threshold/ step/category parameters, and lower asymptote (guessing) parameters, although this may not be the case depending on the supplied parameters. If a combination of models are used, the number of list elements should correspond with the maximum number of elements across models. For example, if the 3PL model (3 list elements) and nominal response model (2 list elements) are used, the list should include three elements. Within each list element, the parameters should be formatted as vectors or matrices (depending on the specific item response models). For the format of the matrices, see the method for x = "matrix" above and/or the methods corresponding to the specific response models. When location parameters are included, these values should be placed in the first column of the matrix of difficulty/threshold/step/category parameters (in the corresponding list element).

x = "", common = "missing"

x is an object of class The arguments cat, poly.mod, and location do not need to be included.

x = "list", common = "matrix"

This method is intended for the creation of an object with only two groups. Each list element should conform to one of the formats listed above (i.e. a numeric vector, matrix/data.frame, list, or object) or be an object. The format of each list element does not need to be the same. That is, the first list element might be a "" object while the second element is a list of item parameters. If an object of class is included, the object can contain information for a single group or for multiple groups. If the object includes multiple groups, common should identify the common items between the last group in x[[1]] and the first group in x[[2]].

For this method common is a j x 2 matrix where the first column identifies the common items for the first group (x[[1]]). The second column in common identifies the corresponding set of common items from the next list element. For example, if item 4 in group one (row 4 in x[[1]]) is the same as item 6 in group two, the first row of common would be "4,6".

If the objects in x are of class or, cat, poly.mod, and location do not need to be included.

x = "list", common = "list"

This method is intended for the creation of an object with more than two groups; however, if there are two groups common can be defined as a list with length one. Each list element should conform to one of the formats listed above (i.e. a numeric vector, matrix/data.frame, list, or object) or be an object. The format of each list element does not need to be the same. That is, the first list element might be a "" object while the second element is a list of item parameters. If an object of class is included, the object can contain information for a single group or for multiple groups. The list elements in x should be ordered such that adjacent elements correspond to adjacent groups. If an "" object is included with multiple groups, the list element following this object should contain information for a group that is adjacent to the last group in the "" object

For this method common is a list of j x 2 matrices where the first column identifies the identifies the common items for the first group of two adjacent list elements in The second column in common identifies the corresponding set of common items from the next list element in x. For example, if x contains only two list elements, a single set of common items links them together. If item 4 in group one (row 4 in slot pars) is the same as item 6 in group two, the first row of common would be "4,6".

If all the objects in x are of class or, the arguments cat, poly.mod, and location do not need to be included.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also, as.poly.mod, poly.mod,


# Create object for three dichotomous (1PL) items with difficulties 
# equal to -1, 0, 1
x <-,0,1))

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two polytomous 
# (gpcm) items without a location parameter 
# (use signature matrix, missing)
dichot <- matrix(c(1.2, .8, .9, 2.3, -1.1, -.2, .24, .19, .13),3,3)
poly <- matrix(c(.64, -1.8, -.73, .45, NA, .88, .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),
pars <- rbind(cbind(dichot,matrix(NA,3,2)),poly)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <-, cat=cat, poly.mod=pm)

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two polytomous 
# (gpcm) items without a location parameter 
# (use signature list, missing)
a <- c(1.2, .8, .9, .64, .88)
b <- matrix(c(
  2.3, rep(NA,3),
  -1.1, rep(NA,3),
  -.2, rep(NA,3),
  -1.8, -.73, .45, NA,
  .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),5,4,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(1.4, 1.9, 2.6, NA, NA)
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <-, cat=cat, poly.mod=pm)

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items, four polytomous items,
# two gpcm items and two nrm items. Include a location parameter for the 
# gpcm items (use signature list, missing)
a <- matrix(c(
  1.2, rep(NA,4),
  .8, rep(NA,4),
  .9, rep(NA,4),
  .64, rep(NA,4),
  .88, rep(NA,4),
  .905, .522, -.469, -.959, NA, 
  .828, .375, -.357, -.079, -.817),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(c(
  2.3, rep(NA,4),
  -1.1, rep(NA,4),
  -.2, rep(NA,4),
  -.69, -1.11, -.04, 1.14, NA,
  1.49, -1.43, -.09, .41, 1.11,
  .126, -.206, -.257, .336, NA, 
  .565, .865, -1.186, -1.199, .993),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(.14, .19, .26, rep(NA,4))
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(7, c("drm","gpcm","nrm"), list(1:3,4:5,6:7))
x <-, cat=cat, poly.mod=pm, location=TRUE)
summary(x, TRUE)

# Create object with two groups (all dichotomous items)
pm <- as.poly.mod(36)
x <-$pars, KB04$common, cat=list(rep(2,36),rep(2,36)), 
  list(pm,pm), grp.names=c("form.x","form.y"))
summary(x, TRUE)

# Create object with six groups (all dichotomous items)
pars <- TK07$pars
common <- TK07$common
cat <- list(rep(2,26),rep(2,34),rep(2,37),rep(2,40),rep(2,41),rep(2,43))
pm1 <- as.poly.mod(26)
pm2 <- as.poly.mod(34)
pm3 <- as.poly.mod(37)
pm4 <- as.poly.mod(40)
pm5 <- as.poly.mod(41)
pm6 <- as.poly.mod(43)
pm <- list(pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6)
x <-, common, cat, pm, 

# Create an object with two groups using mixed-format items and 
# a mixed placement of common items. This example uses the dgn dataset.
summary(x, TRUE)

poly.mod objects


This function attempts to turn the given values into a poly.mod object that associates each item with a specific unidimensional or multidimensional item response model.


as.poly.mod(n, model = "drm", items = NULL)



total number of items


character vector identifying the IRT models used to estimate the item parameters. The only acceptable models are drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm. See below for an explanation of the codes.


list identifying the item numbers from a set of parameters that correspond to the given model in model.


When creating a poly.mod object, there is no difference in the specification for unidimensional versus multidimensional item response models. If all the items are dichotomous, it is only necessary to specify a value for n. If all the items correspond to a single model (other than drm), only n and model need to be specified.

The IRT models associated with the codes:


dichotomous response models (includes the 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, M1PL, M2PL, and M3PL)


partial credit model, generalized partial credit model, multidimensional partial credit model, and multidimensional generalized partial credit model


graded response model and multidimensional graded response model


multiple-choice model and multidimensional multiple-choice model


nominal response model and multidimensional nominal response model


Returns an object of class poly.mod


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also



# Ten dichotomous items

# The first ten items in the set of associated (not present here) item 
# parameters are dichotomous and the last five were estimated using the 
# generalized partial credit model
as.poly.mod(15, c("drm", "gpcm"), list(1:10,11:15) )

# Ten multidimensional graded response model items
# Note: This same specification would be used for a unidimensional
# graded response model
as.poly.mod(10, "grm")

Calibration Weights


This function facilitates the creation of either a set of quadrature weights or weights based on a set of theta values for use in the function plink


as.weight(n, theta, weight, quadrature = FALSE, normal.wt = FALSE, 
  dimensions = 1, ...)



numeric value or vector identifying the number of theta values to use for each dimension. If only one value is supplied but dimensions is greater than one, n will be the same for all dimensions.


vector or list of theta values. If dimensions is greater than one, list elements should correspond to each dimension, otherwise the single vector will be repeated for all dimensions.


vector or list of weights. If dimensions is greater than one, list elements should correspond to each dimension, otherwise the single vector will be repeated for all dimensions.


if TRUE, quadrature points and weights will be computed for the corresponding number of points n for each dimension respectively. See gauss.quad.prob for more information on creating quadrature points and weights.


if TRUE and weight is missing, the weights for theta will be computed to correspond to the densities from a normal distribution.


number of dimensions for which the weights should be created


further arguments passed to other methods


When weighting expected response probabilities at different theta values using characteristic curve linking methods, there are a variety of approaches one can take. These range from uniform weights to normal weights, to quadrature weights corresponding to some a priori specified distribution. The purpose of this function is to facilitate the creation of these weights for use in plink .

For all approaches, when more than one dimension is specified, the weights for each combined set of theta values will be a multiplicative weight. For example, if there are two dimensions and the specified weights corresponding to two specific theta values on each dimension respectively are 0.8 and 1.2, the final weight for this pair of theta values will be 0.96.

Uniform Weights

Five general approaches can be used to create uniform weights.

  • If no arguments are supplied, a set of weights (all equal to one) will be returned for a single dimension, for 40 equal interval theta values ranging from -4 to 4. If dimensions is greater than one, seven equal interval theta values ranging from -4 to 4 will be specified for each dimension. For instance, for two dimensions, there will be weights for 7 x 7 (49) points.

  • If only a value for n is supplied, uniform weights (all equal to one) will be created for n points ranging from -4 to 4 for each dimension specified.

  • If values are only specified for theta, uniform weights (all equal to one) will be created for each of these values for each dimension specified.

  • If values are only specified for weight where the values are all equal. In this case, equal interval theta values will be selected from -4 to 4 to correspond to the number of specified weights.

  • If values are specified for theta and uniform values are specified for weight.

Non-Uniform Weights

Four general approaches can be used to create non-uniform weights.

  • If values are only specified for weight where the values are not equal. In this case, equal interval theta values will be selected from -4 to 4 to correspond to the number of specified weights.

  • If values are specified for theta and varying values are specified for weight.

  • If quadrature is equal to TRUE, and no other arguments are specified n will default to 40. if dimensions is greater than one, n will default to seven for each dimension. In either case n quadrature points and weights will be selected from a standard normal distribution. To change the mean and/or standard deviation of this distribution, values for mu and sigma respectively should be specified. See gauss.quad.prob for more information. Different means and/or SDs can be supplied for each dimension. If values are specified for theta or weight, the quadrature approach will not be used.

  • If quadrature equals TRUE other distributions can be specified for n points. See gauss.quad.prob for more information.

  • If normal.wt equals TRUE, normal densities will be created for the specified theta values (if supplied) or equal interval values. The default distribution will be standard normal, but different means and/or standard deviations can be specified by passing arguments for mean and sd respectively. Different means and/or SDs can be supplied for each dimension. If no values are included for theta, equal interval theta values will be created for the range of three SDs above and below the mean. If values are specified for weight, the normal.wt argument will be ignored.

See Kolen & Brennan (2004) for more information on calibration weights.


Returns a list of length two. The first list element is an n x m matrix of theta values for m dimensions. The second list element is a vector of weights corresponding to the theta values in the first list element.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2004) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking. New York: Springer

See Also

plink, gauss.quad.prob


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
# Create a set of 40 (default) theta values and uniform weights
wt <- as.weight()

# Create a set of 40 quadrature points and weights using a standard 
# normal distribution
wt <- as.weight(quadrature=TRUE)

# Create a set of 30 quadrature points and weights using a normal 
# distribution with a mean of 0.5
wt <- as.weight(n=30, quadrature=TRUE, mu=0.5)

# Create weights for a set of random normal theta values
wt <- as.weight(theta=rnorm(100))

# Create an object with equal interval theta values and standard 
# normal density weights
wt <- as.weight(theta=seq(-4,4,0.05), normal.wt=TRUE)

# Create an object with equal interval theta values and normal 
# density weights with a mean of 0.5 and SD equal to .92
wt <- as.weight(theta=seq(-4,4,0.05), normal.wt=TRUE, mean=0.5, sd=0.92)

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
# Create a set of 49 theta values and uniform weights 
# (based on seven points for each dimension)
wt <- as.weight(dimensions=2)

# Create a set of 100 quadrature points and weights using a normal 
# distribution with a means of 0 and 0.5 for the two dimensions respectively
wt <- as.weight(n=10, quadrature=TRUE, mu=c(0,0.5), dimensions=2)

# Create an object with equal interval theta values and standard 
# normal density weights for three dimensions
wt <- as.weight(theta=seq(-3,3), normal.wt=TRUE, dimensions=3)

# Create an object with two sets of equal interval theta values for 
# two dimensions
wt <- as.weight(theta=list(seq(-4,4),seq(-3,3)), dimensions=2)

# Create an object with two sets of random normal theta values and 
# standard normal density weights for two dimensions
wt <- as.weight(theta=list(rnorm(10),rnorm(10)), normal.wt=TRUE, dimensions=2)

Combine Item Parameters for Multiple Groups


This function combines objects of class and/or into a single object

Usage, common, grp.names)



an ordered list containing two or more objects, two or more objects, or a combination of and objects.


an n x 2 matrix or list of matrices identifying the common items between adjacent pairs of objects in x. See below for more details.


character vector of names for all the groups in the returned object


Although many of the methods in this package allow for lists containing and objects, it may be helpful to combine the item parameters for multiple groups into a single object. x can include a combination of and objects. The objects can contain information for a single group or multiple groups. The list elements in x should be ordered such that adjacent elements correspond to adjacent groups. If an object is included with multiple groups, the list element following this object should contain information for a group that is adjacent to the last group in the object.

If x contains only two elements, common should be a matrix. If x contains more than two elements, common should be a list. In any of the common matrices the first column identifies the common items for the first group of two adjacent list elements in x. The second column in common identifies the corresponding set of common items from the next list element in x. For example, if x contains only two list elements, a single set of common items links them together. If item 4 in group one (row 4 in slot pars) is the same as item 6 in group two, the first row of common would be "4,6".

If an object is included with multiple groups, common should correspond to the set of common items between the last group in the object and the group in the adjacent element in x.


Returns an object of class


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also,,,

Unidimensional Mixed-Format Item Parameters


This (unidimensional) dataset includes item parameters for two groups estimated under the three parameter logistic model, the generalized partial credit model, and the nominal response model. There are 15 common items (7 drm, 3 gpcm, 5 nrm). This dataset is for illustrative purposes to show how items from different response models can be mixed together and common items can be in different positions across groups.




A list of length four. The first element is a list of length two with item parameter estimates for groups 1 and 2 respectively. The gpcm items do not include a location parameter. The second list element is a list identifying the number of response categories for the two groups. The third element, specifies which items correspond to the different item response models for each group respectively. The last element is a matrix of common items between the two groups.


The item parameters are loosely based on parameters listed in the following articles

Kim, J.-S. (2006). Using the Distractor Categories of Multiple-Choice Items to Improve IRT Linking. Journal of Educational Measurement, 43(3), 193-213.

Kim, S. & Lee, W.-C. (2006). An Extension of Four IRT Linking Methods for Mixed-Format Tests. Journal of Educational Measurement, 43(1), 53-76.

Dichotomous Response Model Probabilities


This function computes the probability of correct responses (and optionally, incorrect responses) for one or more items for a given set of theta values using the 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, M1PL, M2PL or M3PL model, depending on the included item parameters and the specified number of dimensions.


drm(x, theta, dimensions = 1, D = 1, incorrect = FALSE, 
  print.mod = FALSE, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature ''
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature ''
drm(x, theta, dimensions, D, incorrect, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)



an R object containing item parameters


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


scaling constant. The default value assumes that the parameters are already in the desired metric. If the parameters are in the logistic metric, they can be transformed to a normal metric by setting D = 1.7


if TRUE, compute probabilities for the incorrect response category)


if TRUE, print the model that was used (i.e., 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, M1PL, M2PL, or M3PL)


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


x = "numeric"

This method should only be used for the Rasch model where x is a vector of difficulty parameters (or parameters related to item difficulty in the multidimensional case). Under this method the slopes and lower asymptote values for all items will default to one and zero respectively. This is true for both the unidimensional and multidimensional case.

x = "matrix"

This method allows one to specify an n x k matrix for n items, for m dimensions, and k equal to m, m+1, or m+2. The first m columns generally correspond to the discrimination/slope parameters, and the last two columns correspond to the difficulty, and lower asymptote parameters, although this may not be the case depending on the supplied parameters.


For the 1PL and M1PL model with discriminations equal to 1 (Rasch Model), an n x 1 matrix of item difficulties can be supplied. An n x (m+1) matrix can also be used with all the values in the first m columns equal to 1 and difficulty parameters in the last column. For discrimination values other than 1, x should include at least m+1 columns where the first m columns contain the item discriminations (identical for all items) and the last column is for the item difficulties. The lower asymptote defaults to zero for all items; however, m+2 columns can be specified where the values in the last column all equal zero.


x should include at least m+1 columns where the first m columns contain the item discriminations and the last column is for the item difficulties. The lower asymptote defaults to zero for all items; however, m+2 columns can be specified where the values in the last column all equal zero.


x should include m+2 columns where the first m columns contain the item discriminations, the m+1 column is for item difficulties, and the last column is for lower asymptote values.

x = "data.frame"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list"

This method can include a list with 1, 2, or 3 elements. In general, these elements correspond to discrimination, difficulty, and lower asymptote parameters, although this may not be the case depending on the supplied parameters. For the unidimensional case, each list element can be a vector of length n or an n x 1 matrix for n items. For the multidimensional case, the list element for the discrimination parameters should be an n x m matrix for m dimensions. The other list elements can be vectors of length n or an n x 1 matrix for n items.


For the 1PL and M1PL model with discriminations equal to 1 (Rasch Model), one element with item difficulties can be supplied. Alternatively, two elements can be used with the first list element containing a matrix/vector of ones and difficulty parameters in the second list element. For discrimination values other than 1, x should contain at least two list elements where the first contains the item discriminations (identical for all items) and the second is for item difficulties. The lower asymptote defaults to zero for all items; however, a third element with a vector/matrix of zeros can be included.


x should contain at least two list elements where the first element contains the item discriminations and the second element includes the item difficulties. The lower asymptote defaults to zero for all items; however, a third element with a vector/matrix of zeros can be included.


x should include three list elements where the first element contains the item discriminations, the second element includes the item difficulties, and the third element contains the lower asymptote values.

x = ""

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the dichotomous items in an object of class "". If x contains polytomous items, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the dichotomous items only. If x contains parameters for multiple groups, a list of "irt.prob" objects will be returned. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.

x = ""

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the dichotomous items in an object of class If x contains polytomous items, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the dichotomous items only. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.


The indices 0 and 1 are used in the column labels for incorrect and correct responses respectively (e.g. the label d1.0 indicates the incorrect response column for item 1, d1.1 indicates the correct response column for the same item). If incorrect = FALSE, all column labels will end with .1


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Adams, R. J., Wilson, M., & Wang, W. (1997). The multidimensional random coefficients multinomial logit model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 21(1), 1-23.

Birnbaum, A. (1968). Some latent trait models and their use in inferring an examinee's ability In F. M. Lord & M. R. Novick (Eds.) Statistical Theories of Mental Test Scores. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Rasch, G. (1960). Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Institute for Educational Research.

Reckase, M. D. (1985). The difficulty of items that measure more than one ability. Applied Psychological Measurement, 9(4), 401-412.

Reckase, M. D. (1997). A linear logistic multidimensional model for dichotomous item response data. In W. J. van der Linden & R. K. Hambleton (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory (pp. 271-286). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also

mixed: compute probabilities for mixed-format items
plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
## 1PL
# A single item with a difficulty at 1 logit
x <- drm(1) 

# Three items with a difficulties at -2.2, -1.7, and 0.54 logits 
# respectively. Assume a constant discrimination of 1 for each item
b <- c(-2.2,-.7,1.54)
x <- drm(b) 
# Plot the expected probabilites

# Five items with a constant discrimination equal to 1.2
# Use the scaling constant for the normal metric
a <- rep(1.2,5)
b <- c(-2,-1,0,1,2)
pars <- list(a,b)
x <- drm(pars,D=1.7)
# Extract the expected probabilities
# Plot the expected probabilities
plot(x,combine=5,item.names="Items 1-5")

## 2PL
# Compute probabilities for five items at a theta value of 1.5 logits
# Print the model
a <- c(1,.8,.6,1.2,.9)
b <- c(-1.7,2.2,.4,-1,-.4)
pars <- cbind(a,b)

# Include a vector of zeros for the lower asymptote
# Compute probabilities for incorrect responses
a <- c(.63,1.14,.89,1.01,1.51,.58)
b <- c(-1.9,.08,1.6,-1.4,.5,-2.3)
c <- rep(0,6)
pars <- cbind(a,b,c)
x <- drm(pars,incorrect=TRUE)

## 3PL
a <- c(1,.8,.4,1.5,.9)
b <- c(-2,-1,0,1,2)
c <- c(.2,.25,.18,.2,.22)
pars <- list(a,b,c)
x <- drm(pars)

# Use theta values from -3 to 3 with an increment of 0.2
a <- c(.71,.96,.36,1.05,1.76,.64)
b <- c(-.16,1.18,2.03,1.09,.82,-1.56)
c <- c(.22,.17,.24,.08,.20,.13)
theta <- seq(-3,3,.2)
pars <- cbind(a,b,c)
x <- drm(pars,theta)
plot(x,combine=6,item.names="Items 1-6",auto.key=list(space="right"))

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
## M1PL
# A single item with a parameter related to item difficulty at 1 logit
x <- drm(1, dimensions=2) 

# Three items with a difficulties at -2.2, -1.7, and 0.54 logits 
# respectively. Assume a constant discrimination of 1 for each item
d <- c(-2.2,-.7,1.54)
x <- drm(d, dimensions=2) 
plot(x, drape=TRUE)

## M2PL
# Items 27-30 from Reckase (1985)
a <- matrix(c(1.66,1.72,.69,.19,.88,1.12,.68,1.21),4,2,byrow=TRUE)
d <- c(-.38,-.68,-.91,-1.08)
pars <- list(a,d)
x <- drm(pars,dimensions=2)
plot(x, drape=TRUE, item.names=paste("Item",27:30))

# Create contourplots for these items

## M3PL
# Single item from Reckase (1997, p. 274)
pars <- t(c(.8,1.4,-2,.2))
x <- drm(pars, dimensions=2)
plot(x, default.scales=list(arrows=FALSE),drape=TRUE)

# Compute the probabilities of an incorrect response
# for the Reckase (1997) item
x <- drm(pars, dimensions=2, incorrect=TRUE)
plot(x, screen=list(z=-40,x=-60), auto.key=list(space="right"))

# Four items from the included example for BMIRT (Yao, 2003)
# modeled using four dimensions
pars <- matrix(c(0.5038,2.1910,1.1317,0.2493,0.5240,0.1763, 
0.2252,1.1999,0.5997,0.2087, 2.1730,0.4576,
colnames(pars) <- c("a1","a2","a3","a4","d","c")
x <- drm(pars, dimensions=4, print.mod=TRUE)

## Not run: 
# Plot the item response surfaces for item 4
plot(x,items=4,item.names="Item 4",drape=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

IRT True Score and Observed Score Equating


This function conducts IRT true score and observed score equating for unidimensional single-format or mixed-format item parameters for two or more groups. This function supports all item response models available in plink with the exception of the multiple-choice model.


equate(x, method=c("TSE", "OSE"), true.scores, ts.low, base.grp=1, score=1, 
  startval, weights1, weights2, syn.weights, exclude, max.tse.iter, ...) 

## S4 method for signature 'list'
equate(x, method, true.scores, ts.low, base.grp, score, startval, 
  weights1, weights2, syn.weights, exclude, max.tse.iter, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
equate(x, method, true.scores, ts.low, base.grp, score, startval, 
  weights1, weights2, syn.weights, exclude, max.tse.iter, ...)



an object of class with one or more groups, a list containing two or more objects (e.g., when there are no common items), or the output from plink containing rescaled item parameters.


character vector identifying the equating method(s) to use. Values can include "TSE" and "OSE".


numeric vector of true score values to be equated


logical value. If TRUE, interpolate values for the equated true scores in the range of observed scores from one to the value below the lowest estimated true score (a rounded sum of guessing parameters)


integer identifying the group for the base scale


if score = 1, score responses for the true-score equating method with zero for the lowest category and k-1 for the highest, k, category for each item. If score = 2, score responses with one for the lowest category and k for the highest, k, category for each item. A vector or list of scoring weights for each response category can be supplied, but this is only recommended for advanced users.


integer starting value for the first value of true.score


list containing information about the theta values and weights to be used in the observed score equating for population 1. See below for more details.


list containing information about the theta values and weights to be used in the observed score equating for population 2. See below for more details.


vector of length two or a list containing vectors of length two with synthetic population weights to be used for each pair of tests for populations 1 and 2 respectively. If missing, weights of 0.5 will be used for both populations for all groups. If syn.weights is a list, there should be k-1 elements for k groups.


character vector or list identifying common items that should be excluded when estimating the linking constants. See below for more details.


maximum number of iterations to identify the theta value associated with each true score. The default is 50.


further arguments passed to or from other methods. See below for details.


weights1 can be a list or a list of lists. The purpose of this object is to specify the theta values for population 1 to integrate over in the observed score equating as well as any weights associated with the theta values. The function as.weight can be used to facilitate the creation of this object. If weights1 is missing, the default is to use equally spaced theta values ranging from -4 to 4 with an increment of 0.05 and normal density weights for all groups.

To better understand the elements of weights1, let us assume for a moment that x has parameters for only two groups. In this instance, weights1 would be a single list with length two. The first element should be a vector of theta values corresponding to points on the base scale. The second list element should be a vector of weights corresponding the theta values. If x contains more than two groups, a single weights1 object can be supplied, and the same set of thetas and weights will be used for all adjacent groups. However, a separate list of theta values and weights for each adjacent group in x can be supplied.

The specification of weights2 is the same as that for weights1, although the theta values and weights for this object correspond to theta values for population 2. This argument is only used when the synthetic weight associated with population 2 is greater than zero. If weights2 is missing, the same theta values and weights used for weights1 will be used for weights2.

For both equating methods, response probabilities are computed using the functions drm, grm, gpcm, and nrm for the associated models respectively. Various arguments from these functions can be passed to equate. Specifically, the argument incorrect can be passed to drm and catprob can be passed to grm. In the functions drm, grm, and gpcm there is an argument D for the value of a scaling constant. In plink, a single argument D can be passed that will be applied to all applicable models, or arguments D.drm, D.grm, and D.gpcm can be specified for each model respectively. If an argument is specified for D and, say D.drm, the values for D.grm and D.gpcm (if applicable) will be set equal to D. If only D.drm is specified, the values for D.grm and D.gpcm (if applicable) will be set to 1.

There are instances where certain items should not be included in the computation of total scores (e.g., when the common items correspond to an external anchor test or when using field test items) The exclude argument can be used to remove these items prior to conducting the equationg. exclude can be specified as a character vector or a list. In the former case, a single value "all.common" can be used to remove all common items or a vector of model names (i.e., "drm", "grm", "gpcm", "nrm", "mcm") can be supplied, indicating that any item on any test associated with the given model(s) would be excluded. If the argument is specified as a list, exclude should have as any elements as groups in x. Each list element can include model names and/or item numbers corresponding to the items on each test that should be excluded. If no items need to be excluded for a given group, the list element should be equal NA. For example, say we have two groups and we would like to exclude the GRM items and item 23 from the first group, we would specify exclude as exclude <- list(c("grm",23),NA).


Returns a matrix of equated true scores and/or a list of equated observed scores with associated marginal distributions or a list combining these two objects. The output for the observed-score equating also includes EAP scores and SDs for each of the observed scores (Thissen & Orlando, 2001).


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Kolen, M. J. (1981). Comparison of traditional and item response theory methods for equating tests. Journal of Educational Measurement, 18(1), 1-11.

Kolen, M. J. & Brennan, R. L. (2004) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking (2nd ed.). New York: Springer

Thissen, D. & Orlando, M. (2001) Item response theory for items scored in two categories. In D. Thissen & H. Wainer (Eds.) Test Scoring (p. 23 - 72). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL


# IRT true score and observed score examples from 
# Kolen & Brennan (2004, ch. 6)
pm <- as.poly.mod(36)
x <-$pars, KB04$common,
  cat=list(rep(2,36),rep(2,36)), poly.mod=list(pm,pm))
out <- plink(x, rescale="MS", base.grp=2, D=1.7, exclude=list(27,NA))

# Create the quadrature points and weights
wt <- as.weight(

# Conduct the equating
equate(out,weights1=wt, synth.weights=c(1,0),D=1.7)

# Conduct true score equating for specific true scores
equate(out, true.scores=7:15, ts.low=FALSE, D=1.7)

# Exclude all common items (assume they correspond to an external anchor)
equate(out, D=1.7, exclude="all.common")

# Observed score equating for mixed-format tests
pm1 <- as.poly.mod(55,c("drm","gpcm","nrm"),dgn$items$group1)
pm2 <- as.poly.mod(55,c("drm","gpcm","nrm"),dgn$items$group2)
x <-$pars,dgn$common,dgn$cat,list(pm1,pm2))
out <- plink(x, rescale="HB") 
OSE <- equate(out, method="OSE", score=2)

# Display the equated scores

# Multiple group equating
pars <- TK07$pars
common <- TK07$common
cat <- list(rep(2,26),rep(2,34),rep(2,37),rep(2,40),rep(2,41),rep(2,43))
pm1 <- as.poly.mod(26)
pm2 <- as.poly.mod(34)
pm3 <- as.poly.mod(37)
pm4 <- as.poly.mod(40)
pm5 <- as.poly.mod(41)
pm6 <- as.poly.mod(43)
pm <- list(pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6)
x <-, common, cat, pm, grp.names=paste("grade",3:8,sep=""))
out <- plink(x, rescale="SL")

# True score equating
equate(out, method="TSE")

# True score equating with the base group changed to 3
equate(out, method="TSE", base.grp=3)

# Observed score equating (These data are for non-equivalent groups, but
# this example is included to illustrate the multigroup capabilities)
OSE <- equate(out, method="OSE", base.grp=3)

# Display the equated scores for each group

Generalized Partial Credit Model Response Probabilities


This function computes the probability of responding in a specific category for one or more items for a given set of theta values using the partial credit model, generalized partial credit model, or multidimensional extension of these models, depending on the included item parameters and the specified number of dimensions.


gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions = 1, D = 1, location = FALSE, 
  print.mod = FALSE, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'numeric'
gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, D, location, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'numeric'
gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, D, location, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'numeric'
gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, D, location, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, D, location, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
gpcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, D, location, print.mod, items, information, angle, ...)



an R object containing item parameters


vector identifying the number of response categories (not the number of step parameters) for each item.


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


scaling constant. The default value assumes that the parameters are already in the desired metric. If the parameters are in the logistic metric, they can be transformed to a normal metric by setting D = 1.7


if TRUE, the step parameters are deviations from a difficulty parameter


if TRUE, print the model that was used (i.e., Partial Credit Model, Generalized Partial Credit Model, Multidimensional Partial Credit Model or Multidimensional Generalized Partial Credit Model)


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


In the following description, references to the partial credit model and generalized partial credit model should be thought of as encompassing both the unidimensional and multidimensional models.

x = "matrix", cat = "numeric"

This method allows one to specify an n x k matrix for n items. The number of columns can vary depending on the model (partial credit or generalized partial credit model), number of dimensions, and whether a location parameter is included. Generally, the first m columns, for m dimensions, are for item slopes and the remaining columns are for step parameters.

Slope Parameters:

The partial credit model is typically specified with all slopes equal to 1. For this model it is unnecessary (although optional) to include ones in the first m columns. For slope values other than one (equal for all items) or for the generalized partial credit model, slope parameters should be included in the first m columns.

Step/Step Deviation Parameters:

Step parameters can be characterized in two ways: as the actual steps or deviations from an overall item difficulty (location). In the deviation scenario the location argument should be equal to TRUE. If column(s) are included for the slope parameters, the location parameters should be in the m+1 column; otherwise, they should be in the first column. The columns for the step/step deviation parameters will always follow the slope and/or location columns (or they may potentially start in the first column for the partial credit model with no location parameter).

The number of step/step deviation parameters can vary for each item. In these instances, all cells with missing values should be filled with NAs. For example, for a unidimensional generalized partial credit model with no location parameter, if one item has five categories (four step parameters) and another item has three categories (two step parameters), there should be five columns. The first column includes the slope parameters and columns 2-5 include the step parameters. The values in the last two columns for the item with three categories should be NA.

x = "data.frame", cat = "numeric"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list", cat = "numeric"

This method can include a list with one or two elements. Generally, the first element is for item slopes and the second is for step/step deviation parameters.

Slope Parameters:

For the partial credit model with all slopes equal to 1 it is unnecessary (although optional) to include a list element for the item slopes. If no slope values are included, the first element would contain the step/deviation step parameters. For slopes other than 1 (equal for all items) or for the generalized partial credit model, slope values should be included in the first list element. For the unidimensional case, these values should be a vector of length n or an n x 1 matrix for n items. For the multidimensional case, an n x m matrix of values for m dimensions should be supplied

Step/Step Deviation Parameters:

The step/step deviation parameters should be formatted as an n x k matrix for n items. If the steps are deviations from a location parameter, the argument location should equal TRUE and the location parameters should be in the first column. The number of step/step deviation parameters can vary for each item. In these instances, all cells with missing values should be filled with NAs (See the example in the method for x = "matrix").

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the gpcm items in an object of class "". If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the gpcm items only. If x contains parameters for multiple groups, a list of "irt.prob" objects will be returned. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the gpcm items in an object of class If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the gpcm items only. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.


The determination of the model (partial credit or generalized partial credit) is based on the number of non-NA columns for each item in x and the corresponding values in cat.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Adams, R. J., Wilson, M., & Wang, W. (1997). The multidimensional random coefficients multinomial logit model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 21(1), 1-23.

Embretson, S. E., & Reise, S. P. (2000). Item Response Theory for Psychologists. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Masters, G. N. (1982). A rasch model for partial credit scoring. Psychometrika, 47(2), 149-174.

Masters, G. N. & Wright, B. D. (1996) The partial credit model. In W. J. van der Linden & Hambleton, R. K. (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory (pp. 101-121). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Muraki, E. (1992) A generalized partial credit model: Application of an EM algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 16(2), 159-176.

Muraki, E. (1996) A generalized partial credit model. In W. J. van der Linden & Hambleton, R. K. (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory (pp. 153-164). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

Yao, L. (2003). BMIRT: Bayesian multivariate item response theory [Computer Program]. Monterey, CA: CTB/McGraw-Hill.

Yao, L., & Schwarz, R. D. (2006). A multidimensional partial credit model with associated item and test statistics: An application to mixed-format tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 30(6), 469-492.

See Also

mixed: compute probabilities for mixed-format items
plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
## Partial Credit Model
## Item parameters from Embretson & Reise (2000, p. 108) item 5
b <- t(c(-2.519,-.063,.17,2.055))
x <- gpcm(b,5)

## Generalized Partial Credit Model
## Item parameters from Embretson & Reise (2000, p. 112) items 5-7
a <- c(.683,1.073,.583)
b <- matrix(c(-3.513,-.041,.182,NA,-.873,.358,-.226,
pars <- cbind(a,b) # Does not include a location parameter
rownames(pars) <- paste("Item",5:7,sep="") 
colnames(pars) <- c("a",paste("b",1:4,sep=""))
cat <- c(4,5,3)
x <- gpcm(pars,cat,seq(-3,3,.05))

## Item parameters from Muraki (1996, p. 154)
a <- c(1,.5)
b <- matrix(c(.25,-1.75,1.75,.75,-1.25,1.25),2,3,byrow=TRUE)
pars <- cbind(a,b) # Include a location parameter
rownames(pars) <- paste("Item",1:2,sep="")
colnames(pars) <- c("a","b",paste("d",1:2,sep=""))
cat <- c(3,3)
x <- gpcm(pars,cat,location=TRUE,print.mod=TRUE, D=1.7)
# Plot category curves for two items

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
## Multidimensional Partial Credit Model
pars <- matrix(c(2.4207,0.245,-1.1041,NA,
cat <- c(4,3,4,5)
x <- gpcm(pars,cat,dimensions=2,print.mod=TRUE)
# plot combined item category surfaces
# The screen argument adjusts the orientation of the axes

## Multidimensional Generalized Partial Credit Model
a <- matrix(c(.873, .226, .516, .380, .613, .286 ),3,2,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(c(2.255, 1.334, -.503, -2.051, -3.082,
1.917, 1.074, -.497, -1.521, -2.589,
1.624, .994, -.656, -1.978, NA),3,5,byrow=TRUE)
pars <- cbind(a,b)
cat <- c(6,6,5)
x <- gpcm(pars,cat,dimensions=2,print.mod=TRUE)

# plot combined item category surfaces
plot(x,screen=list(z=-40,x=-60), auto.key=list(space="right"))

# plot separated item category surfaces for item two

# Compute response probabilities for a single three-category item with
# three dimensions. Plot the response surfaces for the first two 
# dimensions conditional on each theta value on the third dimension
pars <- matrix(c(1.1999,0.5997,0.8087,2.1730,-1.4576),1,5)
x <- gpcm(pars,3,dimensions=3,theta=-4:4)
plot(x, screen=list(z=-30,x=-60))

Graded Response Model Probabilities


This function computes the cumulative probability of responding within or above a certain category or the probability of responding in a specific category for one or more items for a given set of theta values using the graded response model or multidimensional graded response model.


grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions = 1, catprob = FALSE, D = 1, 
  location = FALSE, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'numeric'
grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, catprob, D, location, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'numeric'
grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, catprob, D, location, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'numeric'
grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, catprob, D, location, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, catprob, D, location, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
grm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, catprob, D, location, items, information, angle, ...)



ans R object containing item parameters.


vector identifying the number of response categories (not the number of threshold parameters) for each item.


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


if TRUE, compute category probabilities instead of cumulative probabilities


scaling constant. The default value assumes that the parameters are already in the desired metric. If the parameters are in the logistic metric, they can be transformed to a normal metric by setting D = 1.7


if TRUE, the step parameters are deviations from a difficulty parameter


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


x = "matrix", cat = "numeric"

This method allows one to specify an n x k matrix for n items. The number of columns can vary depending on the number of dimensions and whether a location parameter is included. The first m columns, for m dimensions, are for item slopes and the remaining columns are for the threshold/threshold deviation parameters.

Threshold parameters can be characterized in two ways: the actual thresholds or deviations from an overall item difficulty (location). In the deviation scenario the location argument should be TRUE and the location parameters should be in the m+1 column. The columns for the threshold/threshold deviation parameters will always follow the slope column(s) and, if applicable, the location column. The number of threshold/threshold deviation parameters can vary for each item. In these instances, all cells with missing values should be filled with NAs. For example, for a unidimensional model with no location parameter, if one item has five categories (four threshold parameters) and another item has three categories (two threshold parameters), there should be five columns. The first column includes the slope parameters and columns 2-5 include the threshold parameters. The values in the last two columns for the item with three categories should be NA.

x = "data.frame", cat = "numeric"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list", cat = "numeric"

This method is for a list with two elements. The first list element is for item slopes and the second for the threshold/threshold deviation parameters. For the unidimensional case, the slope values should be a vector of length n or an n x 1 matrix for n items. For the multidimensional case, the slopes should be specified in an n x m matrix. For both the unidimensional and multidimensional cases, the threshold/threshold deviation parameters should be formatted as an n x k matrix. If the thresholds are deviations from a location parameter, the argument location should be TRUE and the location parameters should be in the first column. The number of threshold/threshold deviation parameters can vary for each item. In these instances, all cells with missing values should be filled with NAs (See the example in the method for x = "matrix").

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the grm items in an object of class "". If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the grm items only. If x contains parameters for multiple groups, a list of "irt.prob" objects will be returned. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the grm items in an object of class If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the grm items only. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Embretson, S. E., & Reise, S. P. (2000) Item Response Theory for Psychologists. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kolen, M. J. & Brennan, R. L. (2004) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.

Muraki, E., & Carlson, J. E. (1995). Full-information factor analysis for polytomous item responses. Applied Psychological Measurement, 19(1), 73-90.

Samejima, F. (1969) Estimation of latent ability using a response pattern of graded scores. Psychometrika Monograph, No. 17.

Samejima, F. (1996) The graded response model. In W. J. van der Linden & Hambleton, R. K. (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory (pp. 85-100). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also

mixed: compute probabilities for mixed-format items
plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
## Cumulative probabilities 
## Item parameters from Embretson & Reise (2000, p. 101) items 9-11
# Includes a location parameter
a <- c(2.09,1.18,1.69)
b <- matrix(c(-1.07,-1.03,.39,.86,1.78,1.85,-.87,-.39,.31,NA,
pars <- cbind(a,b)
rownames(pars) <- paste("Item",9:11,sep=" ")
colnames(pars) <- c("a","b",paste("c",1:4,sep=""))
cat <- c(3,4,5)
x <- grm(pars,cat,location=TRUE)

## Item parameters from Kolen & Brennan (2004, p. 210)
# Use theta values from -3 to 3 with an increment of 0.5
pars <- t(c(1.2,-.5,.6,1.1,1.3))
x <- grm(pars,5,theta=seq(-3,3,.05))

## Category probabilities
## Single item
pars <- t(c(1.2,-.5,.6,1.1,1.3))
x <- grm(pars,5,seq(-3,3,.05),catprob=TRUE)

# Items without location parameter
a <- c(2.09,1.18,1.69)
b <- matrix(c(-1.93,-2.81,-1.46,-.2,-.64,.08,NA,.37,.81,NA,NA,2.13),3,4) 
pars <- cbind(a,b)
rownames(pars) <- paste("Item",9:11,sep=" ")
colnames(pars) <- c("a",paste("b",1:4,sep=""))
cat <- c(3,4,5)
x <- grm(pars,cat,catprob=TRUE)

## Create object then compute category probabilities
a <- c(2.09,1.18,1.69)
b <- matrix(c(-1.93,-2.81,-1.46,-.2,-.64,.08,NA,.37,.81,NA,NA,2.13),3,4) 
pars <- cbind(a,b)
cat <- c(3,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(3,"grm")
out <-,cat,pm)
x <- grm(out,catprob=TRUE)

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
## Cumulative probabilities
a <- matrix(c(.873, .226, .516, .380, .613, .286 ),3,2,byrow=TRUE)
d <- matrix(c(2.255, 1.334, -.503, -2.051, -3.082,
1.917, 1.074, -.497, -1.521, -2.589,
1.624, .994, -.656, -1.978, NA),3,5,byrow=TRUE)
pars <- cbind(a,d)
cat <- c(6,6,5)
x <- grm(pars,cat,dimensions=2)

# Plot separated response surfaces
plot(x, separate=TRUE, drape=TRUE)

## Category Probabilities
## Use {pars} an {cat} from the example above
x <- grm(pars,cat,dimensions=2, catprob=TRUE)

# plot combined item category surfaces
# The screen argument adjusts the orientation of the axes
plot(x,screen=list(z=-40,x=-60), auto.key=list(space="right"))

Class ""


The formal S4 class for This class contains the item parameters and characteristics of the item parameters for one or more groups. When parameters are included for two or more groups, the common items between the different groups are also included.


Objects of class contain all the information necessary to produce expected response probabilities, linking constants (when data for two or more groups are included), and to plot item response curves/surfaces, vector plots, and parameter comparison plots.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("", ...), but this is not encouraged. Use the function instead.



matrix of item parameters for a single group or a list of matrices containing item parameters for two or more groups


vector with length equal to the number of items, identifying the number of response categories for each item for a single group or a list of response category vectors for two or more groups


a poly.mod object for one group or a list of poly.mod objects identifying the items associated with each IRT model (see class poly.mod for more information)


a j x 2 matrix for j common items or a list of matrices identifying the common items between pairs of item parameters


logical vector identifying whether a given set of item parameters (i.e., for a given group) includes a location parameter


the number of groups (i.e. sets of item parameters)


numeric vector identifying the number of modeled dimensions


Class poly.mod, directly. Class list.poly, by class poly.mod, distance 2.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also, as.poly.mod

Class "irt.prob"


The formal S4 class for irt.prob. This class contains the expected probabilities of responding in a given category for a set of items and theta values under the specified IRT models. The class also includes characteristics of the items.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("irt.prob", ...), but this is not encouraged. Use one of the functions drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, nrm, or mixed instead.



data.frame of item probabilities with n rows and j+m columns for n theta values and j items (the first m column contains theta values for m dimensions)


data.frame of item information

vector identifying the number of categories for each item for which probabilities were computed


character vector of labels for the model(s).


numeric value identifying the number of modeled dimensions


numeric vector identifying scaling constants for drm, grm, and gpcm


list of the item parameters used to compute the probabilities


character vector identifying all the models used to compute the probabilities in prob. The only acceptable models are drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm (see class poly.mod for more information).


list with the same length as model, where each element identifies the items associated with the model(s) specified in model.


Class poly.mod, directly.
Class list.poly, by class poly.mod, distance 2.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also

These models provide information on both unidimensional and multidimensional formulations
drm: for dichotomous response models (1PL, 2PL, and 3PL)
gpcm: for the partial credit/generalized partial credit model
grm: for the graded response model
mcm: for the multiple-choice model
nrm: for the nominal response model
mixed: for mixed-format items

Identify Class


These functions test whether a given object is of a specified class




an R object


Returns a logical value


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also,, poly.mod, irt.prob, link

Kolen - Brennan (2004)


This (unidimensional) dataset includes three parameter logistic model (3PL) item parameter estimates for two groups. The Form X items are from a "new" form and the Form Y items are from an "old" form. The data are listed in Table 6.5 in Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking (2nd ed.). There are 12 common items between the two forms.




A list of length two. The first element pars is a list of length two. Each of the list elements in pars is a 36 x 3 matrix of item parameters. Element one is for Form X, and element two is for Form Y.

The second list element in KB04 is a matrix identifying the common items between the two sets of parameters in pars. That is, the first column in common identifies the rows in pars$form.x that are common items. The second column identifies the corresponding set of common items in pars$form.y.


In the book, the authors transform the Form X parameters to the Form Y scale.


Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2004) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking. (2nd ed.), p. 192 New York: Springer

Extract Output Information


These functions extract information from an object of class, typically created using plink, or an object of class irt.prob containing expected probabilities.


link.con(x, method = "ALL")



an R object


character vector identifying the linking methods for which constants should be returned. The only acceptable values are ALL, MM, MS, HB, SL, and RM. See below for details.


link.con extracts the linking constants, extracts the rescaled item parameters (if present), and link.ability extracts the rescaled ability estimates (if present) get.prob extracts expected probabilities for an irt.prob object

For link.con, the following values can be included for method. For multidimensional constants, although matrices A, K, and T are included in the object of class "link" for the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods, only the matrix A will be returned for these methods.


Returns the constants for all linking methods










Reckase-Martineau (for multidimensional constants only)


Returns a matrix or list of linking constants


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also

link, plink

Class Combinations


These classes are combinations of classes



combines class list and class poly.mod


combines class list and class data.frame


combines class list and class matrix


combines class list and class numeric


combines class numeric and class NULL


combines class list and class NULL


combines class and class NULL


combines class data.frame and class NULL

Objects from the Class

A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

Multiple-Choice Model Response Probabilities


This function computes the probability of responding in a specific category for one or more items for a given set of theta values using the multiple-choice model or multidimensional multiple-choice model.


mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions = 1, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'numeric'
mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'numeric'
mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'numeric'
mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
mcm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)



an R object containing item parameters


vector identifying the number of response categories plus one for each item (the additional category is for 'do not know')


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


x = "matrix", cat = "numeric"

This method allows one to specify an n x h matrix for n items and h equal to [m x 2k + (k-1)] where m is the number of modeled dimensions and k is equal to the maximum number of response categories (including the 'do not know' category) across items. The first (m x k) columns are for category slope parameters, the next block of (m x k) columns are for category difficulty parameters, and the remaining columns are for the lower asymptote (guessing) parameters. For any items with fewer categories than the maximum, the remaining cells in each block of (m x k) columns or the last k columns should be NA.

Unidimensional Specification:

Say we have one item with four actual response categories and one item with five response categories. There will be 17 columns. The first six columns are for the category slope parameters. The first column should contain the parameters for the 'do not know' category. Column six for the four category item should be NA. The next six columns (7-12) are for category difficulty parameters. The first column of this subset of columns (column 7) should contain the category difficulties for the 'do not know' category. Similar to the block of columns containing the slopes, the last column in this subset of columns (column 12) for the four category item should be NA. The remaining five columns are for the lower asymptote (guessing) parameters. The last column for the four category item would be NA.

Multidimensional Specification:

In the multidimensional case, the columns for the slope and difficulty parameters should be grouped first by dimension and then by category. Using the same example for the two items with two dimensions there will be 29 columns. The first five columns for the four category item would include the slope parameters associated with the first dimension for the 'do not know' category and each of the four actual categories respectively. Columns 11-12 would be NA. Columns 13-17 would include the category difficulties associated with the first dimension (again the parameters for the 'do not know' category should be in the first column of this block of columns) and columns 23-24 would be NA. The remaining five columns are for the lower asymptote (guessing) parameters. The last column for the four category item would be NA.

x = "data.frame", cat = "numeric"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list", cat = "numeric"

This method is for a list with three elements. The first element is an n x (m x k) matrix of category slope values for n items, m dimensions, and k equal to the maximum number of response categories across items (including the 'do not know' category). The second list element is an n x (m x k) matrix of category difficulty parameters and the last element is an n x (k-1) matrix of lower asymptote (guessing) parameters. For any list element, for items with fewer categories than the maximum, the remaining cells in the rows should be NA (see the examples for method x = "matrix" for specification details).

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the mcm items in an object of class "". If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the mcm items only. If x contains parameters for multiple groups, a list of "irt.prob" objects will be returned. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the mcm items in an object of class If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the mcm items only. The argument dimensions does not need to be included for this method.


No multidimensional extension of the multiple-choice model has officially been presented in the literature; however, this model is consistent with how the 3PL and nominal response model were extended to the multidimensional context. Additionally, item information is not currently available for the multiple-choice model even though the arguments are included in the function. Information will be available in a later release.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Bolt, D. M. & Johnson, T. J. (in press) Applications of a MIRT model to self-report measures: Addressing score bias and DIF due to individual differences in response style. Applied Psychological Measurement.

Thissen, D., & Steinberg, L. (1984). A response model for multiple choice items. Psychometrika, 49(4), 501-519.

Thissen, D., & Steinberg, L. (1996) A response model for multiple choice items. In W.J. van der Linden & Hambleton, R. K. (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also

mixed: compute probabilities for mixed-format items
plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
## Item parameters from Thissen & Steinberg (1984, p. 510)
## Items R,S,T,U for the whole test
a <- matrix(c(-1.7, -1, 1.1, .3, 1.9, 
  -2.1, -.6, 1.2, 2.3, -.8, 
  -1.3, -.9, -.2, 1.9, .5, 
  -1.9, -.5, 0, -.6, 1.9),4,5,byrow=TRUE)
c <- matrix(c(.3, -2.3, 2.4, -2.5, 2.1, 
  2.1, .05, -3, -.6, 1, 
  -.9, -2.5, -.1, 1.8, 1.6, 
  -.1, -2, .5, .8, .8),4,5,byrow=TRUE)
d <- matrix(c(.25, .25, .25, .25, 
  .2, .2, .4, .2, 
  .2, .2, .4, .2, 
  .25, .25, .25, .25),
pars <- cbind(a,c,d)
x <- mcm(pars, rep(5,4))

## Item parameters from Thissen & Steinberg (1984, p. 511)
## Items W,X,Y,Z for the 
pars <- vector("list",3)
pars[[1]] <- matrix(c(-2.3, -.2, 2, .9, -.3, 
  -.8, .6, -.5, 1.1, -.4, 
  -.5, -.2, 2, -1.2, 0, 
  -1.5, -.7, -.2, .1, 2.3),4,5,byrow=TRUE)
pars[[2]] <- matrix(c(.5, .7, -.5, -1.9, 1.1, 
  1.6, -2.8, 1.5, 0, -.3, 
  -.3, .7, -1, .7, 0, 
  .4, .4, -.5, .5, -.8),4,5,byrow=TRUE)
pars[[3]] <- matrix(c(.2, .4, .2, .2, 
  .2, .2, .4, .2, 
  .2, .4, .2, .2, 
  .2, .2, .2, .4), 4,4,byrow=TRUE)
x <- mcm(pars, rep(5,4))

###### Multidimensional Example ######
## Discrimination and category parameters from Bolt & Johnson (in press)
pars <- matrix(c(-1.28, -1.029, -0.537, 0.015, 0.519, 0.969, 1.343,
1.473, -0.585, -0.561, -0.445, -0.741, -0.584, 1.444,
0.29, 0.01, 0.04, 0.34, 0, -0.04, -0.63,
0.01, 0.09, 0.09, 0.28, 0.22, 0.31),1,27)
x <- mcm(pars, cat=7, dimensions=2)
# Plot separated surfaces

Multidimensional Mixed-Format Tests


This dataset includes multidimensional 3PL and multidimensional generalized partial credit model item parameters for two groups modeled with four dimensions. The item parameters were estimated based on item responses provided with BMIRT (Yao, 2008).




A list of length two. There are two matrices in the first list element that correspond to form.x and form.y tests respectively. The second list element identifies the number of response categories for each item. All of the items are common items. There is no location parameter for the polytomous items.


Yao, L. (2008). BMIRT: Bayesian multivariate item response theory [Computer Program]. Monterey, CA: CTB/McGraw-Hill.

Mixed-Format Response Probabilities


This function computes the probability of responding in a specific category for one or more items for a given set of theta values when the items are from a mixed-format test.


mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions = 1, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric', 'numeric'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'numeric'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'numeric'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'numeric'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
mixed(x, cat, poly.mod, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)



an R object containing item parameters


vector identifying the number of response categories for each item. If multiple-choice model items are included, cat for these items should equal the number of response categories plus one (the additional category is for 'do not know')


object of class poly.mod identifying the items associated with each IRT model


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods. See details below.


The item parameters supplied to this method can be associated with a single IRT model or multiple models. When the parameters are tied to only one model, the format of x (for either unidimensional or multidimensional models) should follow the conventions in drm for dichotomous response models (i.e. 1PL, 2PL, 3PL), gpcm for the partial credit model and generalized partial credit model, grm for the graded response model, mcm for the multiple-choice model, and nrm for the nominal response model. When the parameters are associated with two or more models, the parameters should be combined. See or for more details on how the parameters from different models can be combined. Additional arguments for the above models can be passed to this method as well.

theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.

The mixed function essentially compiles response probabilities computed using the functions drm, grm, gpcm, nrm, and mcm for the associated models respectively. All of the arguments specified in any one of these functions can be passed to mixed as an additional argument. For example, the argument incorrect can be passed to drm and catprob can be passed to grm. In the functions drm, grm, and gpcm there is an argument D for the value of a scaling constant. In mixed, a single argument D can be passed that will be applied to all applicable models, or arguments D.drm, D.grm, and D.gpcm can be specified for each model respectively. If an argument is specified for D and, say D.drm, the values for D.grm and D.gpcm (if applicable) will be set equal to D. If only D.drm is specified, the values for D.grm and D.gpcm (if applicable) will be set to 1.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also

plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
# Compute probabilities for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two 
# polytomous (gpcm) items without a location parameter
dichot <- matrix(c(1.2, .8, .9, 2.3, -1.1, -.2, .24, .19, .13),3,3)
poly <- matrix(c(.64, -1.8, -.73, .45, NA, .88, .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),
pars <- rbind(cbind(dichot,matrix(NA,3,2)),poly)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <- mixed(pars, cat, pm) 

# Specify a different scaling constant for the GPCM items in the
# above example
x <- mixed(pars, cat, pm, D.gpcm=1.7) 

# Compute probabilities for three dichotomous (3PL) items, four 
# polytomous items, two gpcm items and two nrm items. Include a 
# location parameter for the gpcm items
a <- matrix(c(
  1.2, rep(NA,4),
  .8, rep(NA,4),
  .9, rep(NA,4),
  .64, rep(NA,4),
  .88, rep(NA,4),
  .905, .522, -.469, -.959, NA, 
  .828, .375, -.357, -.079, -.817),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(c(
  2.3, rep(NA,4),
  -1.1, rep(NA,4),
  -.2, rep(NA,4),
  -.69, -1.11, -.04, 1.14, NA,
  1.49, -1.43, -.09, .41, 1.11,
  .126, -.206, -.257, .336, NA, 
  .565, .865, -1.186, -1.199, .993),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(.14, .19, .26, rep(NA,4))
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(7, c("drm","gpcm","nrm"), list(1:3,4:5,6:7))
x <- mixed(pars, cat, pm, location=TRUE)

###### Multidimensional Example ######
# Compute response probabilities for four dichotomous items
# modeled using the M2PL and three polytomous items modeled
# using the multidimensional graded response model. For the 
# later items, cumulative probabilities are computed.
a <- matrix(c(1.66,1.72,.69,.19,.88,1.12,.68,1.21,
     .873, .226, .516, .380, .613, .286 ),7,2,byrow=TRUE)
d <- matrix(c(-.38,NA,NA,NA,NA,
     2.255, 1.334, -.503, -2.051, -3.082,
     1.917, 1.074, -.497, -1.521, -2.589,
     1.624, .994, -.656, -1.978, NA),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
cat <- c(2,2,2,2,6,6,5)
pars <- cbind(a,d)
pm <- as.poly.mod(7,c("drm","grm"),list(1:4,5:7))
x <- mixed(pars, cat, pm, dimensions=2, catprob=TRUE)

Nominal Response Model Probabilities


This function computes the probability of responding in a specific category for one or more items for a given set of theta values using the nominal response model or multidimensional nominal response model.


nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions = 1, items, information = FALSE, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', 'numeric'
nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', 'numeric'
nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', 'numeric'
nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', 'ANY'
nrm(x, cat, theta, dimensions, items, information, angle, ...)



Object containing item parameters. See below for more details.


vector identifying the number of response categories for each item


vector, matrix, or list of theta values for which probabilities will be computed. If theta is not specified, an equal interval range of values from -4 to 4 is used with an increment of 0.5. See details below for more information.


number of modeled dimensions


numeric vector identifying the items for which probabilities should be computed


logical value. If TRUE compute item information. In the multidimensional case, information will be computed in the directions specified by angle or default angles of 0 - 90 in increments of 10 degrees.


vector or matrix of angles between the dimension 1 axis and the corresponding axes for each of the other dimensions for which information will be computed. When there are more than two dimensions and angle is a vector, the same set of angles will be used relative to each of the corresponding axes.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


theta can be specified as a vector, matrix, or list. For the unidimensional case, theta should be a vector. If a matrix or list of values is supplied, they will be converted to a single vector of theta values. For the multidimensional case, if a vector of values is supplied it will be assumed that this same set of values should be used for each dimension. Probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. Similarly, if a list is supplied, probabilities will be computed for each combination of theta values. In instances where probabilities are desired for specific combinations of theta values, a j x m matrix should be specified for j ability points and m dimensions where the columns are ordered from dimension 1 to m.


Returns an object of class irt.prob


x = "matrix", cat = "numeric"

This method allows one to specify an n x (m x 2k) matrix for n items, m dimensions, and k equal to the maximum number of response categories across items. The first (m x k) columns are for category slope parameters and the remaining columns are for the category difficulty parameters. For any items with fewer categories than the maximum, the remaining cells in each block of (m x k) columns should be NA.

Unidimensional Specification:

Say we have one four category item and one five category item, the first four columns of the four response item would include the slope parameters. The fifth column for this item would be NA. The next four columns would include the category difficulty values, and the last column would be NA.

Multidimensional Specification:

In the multidimensional case, the columns for the slope and difficulty parameters should be grouped first by dimension and then by category. Using the same example for the two items with two dimensions there will be 20 columns. The first four columns for the four category item would include the slope parameters associated with the first dimension for each of the four categories respectively. Columns 9-10 would be NA. Columns 11-14 would include the category difficulties associated with the first dimension and columns 19-20 would be NA.

x = "data.frame", cat = "numeric"

See the method for x = "matrix"

x = "list", cat = "numeric"

This method is for a list with two elements. The first element is an n x (m x k) matrix of category slope values for n items, m dimensions, and k equal to the maximum number of response categories across items. The second list element is an n x (m x k) matrix of category difficulty parameters. For either element, for items with fewer categories than the maximum, the remaining cells in the rows should be NA (see the examples for method x = "matrix" for specification details).

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the nrm items in an object of class "". If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the nrm items only. If x contains parameters for multiple groups, a list of "irt.prob" objects will be returned.

x = "", cat = "ANY"

This method can be used to compute probabilities for the mcm items in an object of class If x contains dichotomous items or items associated with another polytomous model, a warning will be displayed stating that probabilities will be computed for the nrm items only.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Bock, R.D. (1972) Estimating item parameters and latent ability when responses are scored in two or more nominal categories. Psychometrika, 37(1), 29-51.

Bock, R.D. (1996) The nominal categories model. In W.J. van der Linden & Hambleton, R. K. (Eds.) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag

Bolt, D. M. & Johnson, T. J. (in press) Applications of a MIRT model to self-report measures: Addressing score bias and DIF due to individual differences in response style. Applied Psychological Measurement.

Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2004) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking. New York: Springer

Takane, Y., & De Leeuw, J. (1987) On the relationship between item response theory and factor analysis of discretized variables. Psychometrika, 52(3), 393-408.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also

mixed: compute probabilities for mixed-format items
plot: plot item characteristic/category curves
irt.prob,, classes


###### Unidimensional Example ######
## Item parameters from Bock (1972, p. 46,47)
a <- matrix(c(.905, .522, -.469, -.959, NA, 
  .828, .375, -.357, -.079, -.817), 2,5,byrow=TRUE)
c <- matrix(c(.126, -.206, -.257, .336, NA, 
  .565, .865, -1.186, -1.199, .993), 2,5,byrow=TRUE)
pars <- cbind(a,c)
x <- nrm(pars, c(4,5))

###### Multidimensional Example ######
# From Bolt & Johnson (in press)
pars <- matrix(c(-1.28, -1.029, -0.537, 0.015, 0.519, 0.969, 1.343,
1.473, -0.585, -0.561, -0.445, -0.741, -0.584, 1.444,
0.29, 0.01, 0.04, 0.34, 0, -0.04, -0.63), 1,21)
x <- nrm(pars, cat=7, dimensions=2)
# Plot separated surfaces

Plot Item Stuff


This function plots item response curves/surfaces using the lattice package in addition to vector plots, contour plots, and level plots for multidimensional items, and comparison plots for examining parameter drift.


## S3 method for signature ''
## S3 method for class ''
plot(x, y, ..., type, separate, combine, items, item.names, 
    item.nums, panels, drift, groups, grp.names, sep.mod,, save.hist)

## S3 method for signature 'irt.prob'
## S3 method for class 'irt.prob'
plot(x, y, ..., type, separate, combine, items, item.names, 
    item.nums, panels, save.hist)

## S3 method for signature ''
## S3 method for class ''
plot(x, y, ..., type, separate, combine, items, item.names, 
    item.nums, panels, save.hist) 

## S3 method for signature 'list'
## S3 method for class ''
plot(x, y, ..., type, separate, combine, items, item.names, 
    item.nums, panels, drift, groups, grp.names, sep.mod,, save.hist)



object of class irt.prob,, or For the later two classes, probabilities are computed using the function mixed before plotting the curves.


this is an argument in the generic plot function, but is not used for these methods


further arguments passed to or from other methods


type of plot to produce (for multidimensional models). Values can include "wireframe", "contourplot", "levelplot", "vectorplot1", "vectorplot2", "vectorplot3". The default if type is missing is "wireframe". The first three types of plots are based on the correspondingly named lattice plots; properties can be controlled using arguments associated with the respective methods. See the details below for more information on multidimensional plots.


logical value. If TRUE, plot the item category curves or surfaces for polytomous items in separate panels


vector identifying the number of response categories to plot in each panel. If NULL, the curves will be grouped by item. combine is typically used to plot curves for more than one item in a panel.


numeric vector identifying the items to plot


vector of item names for use in labeling the panels


logical value. If TRUE, include item numbers on the vector plots.


number of panels to display in the output window. If the number of items is greater than panels, the plots will be created on multiple pages. If NULL, all panels will be plotted on a single page.


character vector identifying the plots to create to examine item parameter drift. Acceptable values are "a", "b", "c" for the various parameters respectively, "pars" to compare all of these parameters, "TCC" to compare test characteristic curves, "ICC" to compare item characteristic curves, or "all" to produce all of these plots.


numeric vector identifying the groups in x that should be included for comparing parameter drift. The values should correspond to the group number of the lowest group of each pair of adjacent groups in x.


character vector of group names to use when creating the drift plots


logical value. If TRUE use different markers in the drift plots to identify parameters related to different item response models

numeric value identifying the number of standard deviations to use when creating the perpendicular confidence region for the drift comparison plots. If missing, will default to 3.


logical value. If FALSE, the plot history should be deleted (only applies to Windows); otherwise, any previously saved plots will be retained.


All of the plots, with the exception of the vector plots, are based on the lattice package. For the unidimensional plots, any arguments associated with the xyplot function can be included. For the multidimensional plots, any arguments associated with the wireframe, contourplot, or levelplot functions (corresponding to the argument specified in type) can be passed as well.

For the multidimensional plots, vector plots are limited to two dimensions. The other three types of plots can be used with multiple dimensions by plotting the results for the first two dimensions conditional on each combination of theta values for the other dimensions. The function can handle up to ten dimensions; however, the usefulness of the plots will likely diminish if more than four dimensions are modeled.

There are three types of vector plots. The first two types create a set of vectors that originate at the location of the multidimensional difficulty and characterize the length of the vectors at the appropriate angles, relative to the axes, based on the multidimensional discrimination. Setting type equal to "vectorplot2" will also include the reference composite based on an eigenvalue decomposition of the slope parameters. The third type of vector plot is similar to the first with the key distinction that the lines are drawn from the origin to the points of multidimensional difficulty. When there are more than two dimensions, a panel of vectorplots is created for each pair of dimensions.


When multiple pages are created, the PgUp and PgDn buttons can be used to view the plots on different pages on a Windows machine. For other operating systems, it is suggested that the multipage plot be sent to an external graphics file.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected], Adam Wyse (Contributing Author)


Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also



###### Unidimensional Examples ######
# Compute probabilites for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two polytomous
# (gpcm) items then plot the item characteristic/category curves
dichot <- matrix(c(1.2, .8, .9, 2.3, -1.1, -.2, .24, .19, .13),3,3)
poly <- matrix(c(.64, -1.8, -.73, .45, NA, .88, .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),
pars <- rbind(cbind(dichot,matrix(NA,3,2)),poly)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <- mixed(pars, cat, pm) 

# Compute probabilites for six items using the 3PL and plot all of the item
# characteristic curves on a single panel using the combine argument
a <- c(.71,.96,.36,1.05,1.76,.64)
b <- c(-.16,1.18,2.03,1.09,.82,-1.56)
c <- c(.22,.17,.24,.08,.20,.13)
theta <- seq(-3,3,.2)
pars <- cbind(a,b,c)
x <- drm(pars,theta)
plot(x,combine=6,item.names="Items 1-6",auto.key=list(space="right"))

# Compute probabilties for the nominal response model using the ACT
# mathematics data. Plot the item category curves for a subset of 9 items.
x <- nrm(act.nrm[[1]], rep(5,60))
plot(x, items=c(2,7,12,20,35,41,48,57,60),auto.key=list(space="right"))

# Create object with two groups (all dichotomous items)
# rescale the item parameters using the Stocking-Lord linking constants
# Create drift plots 
pm <- as.poly.mod(36)
x <-$pars, KB04$common, cat=list(rep(2,36),rep(2,36)), 
out <- plink(x, rescale="SL", base.grp=2, D=1.7)
plot(out$pars, drift="all", grp.names=c("Form X","Form Y"), 

## Not run: 
# Compute linking constants for six groups using mixed-format items 
# Create drift plots with distinct markers for the two response models
pm1 <- as.poly.mod(41, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[1]])
pm2 <- as.poly.mod(70, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[2]])
pm3 <- as.poly.mod(70, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[3]])
pm4 <- as.poly.mod(70, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[4]])
pm5 <- as.poly.mod(72, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[5]])
pm6 <- as.poly.mod(71, c("drm", "gpcm"), reading$items[[6]])
pm <- list(pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6)
x <-$pars, reading$common, reading$cat, pm, base.grp=4)
out <- plink(x, rescale="HB")
plot(out$pars, drift=c("a","b"), sep.mod=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
# Compute response probabilities for 20 items from the 
# reckase9 data. Probabilites are modeled using the M2PL. 
# Each of the six plot types will be created.
x <- drm(reckase9[[1]][[1]][31:50,],dimensions=2)

# Wireframe plot
plot(x, drape=TRUE, item.names=paste("Item",31:50))
# Contour Plot
plot(x, type="contourplot",labels=FALSE,cuts=20)
# Level Plot
plot(x, type="levelplot",cuts=20)

# Use all the items for the vector plots
x <- drm(reckase9[[1]][[1]],dimensions=2)
# Vector Plot 1
plot(x, type="vectorplot1",item.nums=FALSE)
# Vector Plot 2
plot(x, type="vectorplot2",item.nums=FALSE)
# Vector Plot 3
plot(x, type="vectorplot3",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5))

# Compute response probabilities for a single three-category item using 
# the multidimensional generalized partial credit model for three 
# dimensions. Plot the conditional item category surfaces in a single 
# panel and then the separated item category surfaces in separate panels
pars <- matrix(c(1.1999,0.5997,0.8087,2.1730,-1.4576),1,5)
x <- gpcm(pars,3,dimensions=3,theta=-4:4)

# plot combined item category surfaces. Rotate the plots using the
# screen argument
plot(x, screen=list(z=-30,x=-60))

## Not run: 
# plot separated item category surfaces
x <- gpcm(pars,3,dimensions=3)

## End(Not run)

Class "poly.mod"


The formal S4 class for poly.mod. This class characterizes the models and associated items for a set of item parameters.


The IRT models associated with the codes:


dichotomous response models (includes 1PL, 2PL, and 3PL)


generalized partial credit model (includes the partial credit model)


graded response model


multiple-choice model


nominal response model

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("poly.mod", ...), but this is not encouraged. Use the function as.poly.mod instead.



character vector identifying all the models associated with the corresponding set of item parameters. The only acceptable models are drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm. See below for more details.


list with the same length as model, where each element identifies the items(rows) in the corresponding set of item parameters associated with the model(s) identified in model.


The names of the list elements for items must correspond to the elements in model. For example, if the poly.mod object is pm and the first element in pm@model is drm,one should be able to reference the associated items by pm@items$drm. If the list elements are unnamed, some functions may not work properly.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also

as.poly.mod,,, irt.prob

Import Parameters from IRT Software


This function imports item and/or ability parameters from BILOG-MG 3, PARSCALE 4, MULTILOG 7, TESTFACT 4, ICL, BMIRT, and ltm.


read.bilog(file, ability = FALSE, pars.only = TRUE, = TRUE)

read.parscale(file, ability = FALSE, loc.out = FALSE, pars.only = TRUE, = TRUE)

read.multilog(file, cat, poly.mod, ability = FALSE, contrast = "dev", 
  drm.3PL = TRUE, loc.out = FALSE, = TRUE)

read.testfact(file, ability = FALSE, guessing = FALSE, bifactor = FALSE, = TRUE)

read.icl(file, poly.mod, ability = FALSE, loc.out = FALSE, = TRUE)

read.bmirt(file, ability = FALSE, sign.adjust = TRUE, loc.out = FALSE, 
  pars.only = TRUE, = TRUE)

read.erm(x, loc.out = FALSE, = TRUE)

read.ltm(x, loc.out = FALSE, = TRUE)



filename of file containing the item or ability parameters


if TRUE, file contains ability parameters


if TRUE, only the item/ability parameters will be imported (i.e., any other information like standard errors will be dropped).


if TRUE, the step/threshold parameters will be reformated to be deviations from a location parameter

if TRUE, the parameters will be output as an object (this is only applicable to item parameters)


vector with the number of response categories for each item. For multiple-choice model items, cat is the number of response categories plus one (the additional category is for 'do not know')


a poly.mod object. See the documentation for the function for more information on creating this object.


an object identifying the type of contrast(s) used to estimate the various parameters for each item. See below for more details.


logical value indicating whether the dichotomous items (if applicable) were modeled using the three parameter logistic model (3PL)


logical value indicating whether a guessing parameter was modeled


logical value indicating whether the bifactor model was used to estimate the item/ability parameters


logical value indicating whether the difficulty/step parameters should be multiplied by -1 to make them consistent with common formulations of multidimensional response models


output object from one of the following functions in the eRm package: LLTM, LPCM, LRSM,PCM, RM, or RSM or one of the following functions in the ltm package: rasch, ltm, tpm, grm, or gpcm


The file extensions for the item parameter and ability files respectively are as follows: .par and .sco for BILOG-MG, PARSCALE, and MULTILOG, .par and .fsc for TESTFACT, and .par and .ss for BMIRT. For ICL, the file extensions are specified by the user, and for ltm, the name of the output object is specified by the user.

When item parameters are estimated in MULTILOG for models other than the 1PL, 2PL, and GRM, the program estimates (and returns) contrast parameters. MULTILOG implements three types of contrasts: deviation, polynomial, and triangle (see Thissen & Steinberg, 1986 for more information). A single type of contrast can be used for all parameters (a, b, and c) for all items or different contrasts can be specified for individual parameters and individual items. If a single type of contrast is used for all parameters for all items, a character value can be specified for the contrast argument: "dev", "poly", or "tri" for the three types of contrasts respectively. When different contrasts are used, contrast should be a list of length nine. The list elements should be ordered as follows "dev.a","poly.a", "tri.a","dev.c","poly.c","tri.c","dev.d", "poly.d","tri.d" where the first three elements correspond to the various contrasts for the slope parameters, the next three elements correspond to the contrasts for the category parameters, and the last three elements correspond to the contrasts for the lower asymptote (guessing parameters). There are two approaches that can be implemented using this list 1) character vectors with the model names "drm", "grm", "gpcm", "nrm", and "mcm" indicating that the given parameters for all items associated with the given model should be transformed using the specified contrast. In instances where a model is not included for a given parameter (for any of the contrasts) the parameters will be transformed using deviation contrasts. 2) numeric vectors identifying the contrasts used for given parameters for given items can be specified. It is only necessary to include item numbers for the various parameter/contrast combinations when deviation contrasts are not used. See below for examples of how to formulate this argument.


Returns a data.frame or an object of class if = TRUE.


These functions are currently unable to handle output generated when subtests are used.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Hanson, B. A. (2002). IRT command language [Computer Program]. URL

Mair, P & Hatzinger, R. (2007). Extended Rasch modeling: The eRm package for the application of IRT models in R. URL

Muraki, E. & Bock, R. D. (2003). PARSCALE 4: IRT item analysis and test scoring for rating scale data [Computer Program]. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. URL

Rizopoulos, D. (2006). ltm: An R package for latent variable modeling and item response theory analyses. Journal of Statistical Software, 17(5), 1-25. URL

Thissen, D. (2003). MULTILOG 7: Multiple, categorical item analysis and test scoring using item response theory [Computer Program]. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. URL

Thissen, D. & Steinberg, L. (1986). A taxonomy of item response models. Psychometrika, 51(4), 567-577.

Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

Wood, R., Wilson, D. T., Muraki, E., Schilling, S. G., Gibbons, R., & Bock, R. D. (2003). TESTFACT 4: Test scoring, item statistics, and item factor analysis [Computer Program]. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. URL

Yao, L. (2008). BMIRT: Bayesian multivariate item response theory [Computer Program]. Monterey, CA: CTB/McGraw-Hill.

Zimowski, M. F., Muraki, E., Mislevy, R. J., & Bock, R. D. (2003). BILOG-MG 3: Multiple-group IRT analysis and test maintenance for binary items [Computer Program]. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. URL


# Illustration of how to formulate the contrast argument. Say that we 
# have 20 items where the first 15 are modeled using the 3PL and the 
# last five are modeled using the GPCM.  For the 3PL items, deviation 
# contrasts are commonly used for all of the parameters, whereas with 
# the GPCM items, polynomial contrasts are typically used for the slope 
# parameters and triangle contrasts are used for the category parameters. 
# The contrast argument could be specified as follows

contrast <- vector("list",9)
# Note: the list elements do not need to be named for read.multilog
names(contrast) <- c("dev.a","poly.a","tri.a","dev.c","poly.c","tri.c",
  "dev.d", "poly.d","tri.d") 
contrast$poly.a <- 16:20
contrast$tri.c <- 16:20

# The object could alternatively be formatted as follows
contrast <- vector("list",9)
names(contrast) <- c("dev.a","poly.a","tri.a","dev.c","poly.c","tri.c",
contrast$dev.a <- 1:15
contrast$poly.a <- 16:20
contrast$dev.c <- 1:15
contrast$tri.c <- 16:20
contrast$dev.d <- 1:15

Multi-Group Mixed-Format Reading Assessment


This (unidimensional) dataset includes item parameters from a large-scale reading assessment. The parameters were estimated using a combination of the three parameter logistic model (3PL) and the generalized partial credit model (GPCM). There are six sets of parameters which are based on tests administered in four grades over three years. In particular, the data include a grade 3 and grade 4 test in year 0, a grade 4 and grade 5 test in year 1, and a grade 5 and grade 6 test in year 2. The label for the information related to the grade 3 test is grade3.0 where the value after the decimal indicates the year. Similar labels are used for the other grade/year combinations. This dataset is used for illustrative purposes to show in a multi-group scenario how items from different response models can be mixed together and common items can be in different positions across groups.




A list of length four. The first element is a list of length six with item parameter estimates for each grade/year. There is no location parameter for the GPCM items. The second list element is a list identifying the number of response categories for the six grade/year combinations. The third element specifies which items correspond to the different item response models for each grade/year respectively. The last element is a list of common item matrices for each adjacent grade/year group.


Briggs, D. C. & Weeks, J. P. (In Press) The Impact of Vertical Scaling Decisions on Growth Interpretations. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices.

Reckase MIRT Multidimensional Item Parameters


This dataset includes multidimensional two parameter logistic model (M2PL) item parameter estimates for two dimensions and two groups. The Form 1 items are from a "new" form and the Form 2 items are from an "old" form. There are 16 common items between the two forms.




A list of length two. The first element pars is a list of length two. Each of the list elements in pars is a 80 x 3 matrix of item parameters. Element one is for Form 1, and element two is for Form 2. The first two columns in each matrix are for the slope parameters and the third column is for the parameter related to item difficulty.

The second list element in reckase9 is a matrix identifying the common items between the two sets of parameters in pars. That is, the first column in common identifies the rows in pars$form1 that are common items. The second column identifies the corresponding set of common items in pars$form2.


Reckase, M. D. (2009). Multidimensional item response theory. New York: Springer.

Class ""


The formal S4 class for This class stores a set of separated item parameters and characteristics of these parameters.


a will be an n x m matrix for n items and m dimensions if there are no nominal response model or multiple-choice model items. Otherwise, if nrm or mcm items are included, a will be an n x (k x m) matrix with k equal to the maximum number of response categories across items. If nrm or mcm items are included, the discrimination/slope parameters for the dichotomous response models, the graded response model, partial credit model and generalized partial credit model (and the multidimensional extensions of these models) are listed in the first m columns with all other columns filled with NAs.

b is an n x (k x m) matrix of difficulty, threshold, step, or category parameters (depending on the corresponding model) for n items and m dimensions with k equal to the maximum number of b parameters across all items. For items with b less than k x m, the row is right-filled with NAs.

c will be an n x 1 matrix for n items if there are no multiple-choice model items. Otherwise, if mcm items are included, c will be an n x k matrix with k equal to the maximum number of response categories across items minus one. If mcm items are included, the lower asymptote parameters for the dichotomous response models, are listed in the first column with all other columns filled with NAs. The c values for the 1PL, 2PL, M1PL, and M2PL equal zero.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("", ...), but this is not encouraged. Use the function instead.



matrix of discrimination/slope parameters


matrix of difficulty, threshold, step, and category parameters (depending on the associated IRT model)


matrix of lower asymptote parameters and category proportions for the dichotomous response models and multiple-choice model respectively. c is equal to NA for each item for all other models.


vector identifying the number of categories associated with each item. All dichotomous items will have cat values equal to 2. Graded response model and partial credit/generalized partial credit model items will have cat values equal to the number of step/threshold parameters plus one. Nominal response model items will have cat values equal to the number of categories, and multiple-choice model items will have cat values equal to the number of categories plus one (the 'do not know' category).


vector identifying the total number of items, the total number of dichotomous and polytomous items, and the number of items associated with each polytomous model.


character vector of labels for the model(s).


logical value. If TRUE, the step and/or threshold parameters in slot b for the graded response model and generalized partial credit model include a location parameter.


numeric value identifying the number of modeled dimensions.


character vector identifying all the models associated with the corresponding set of item parameters. The only acceptable models are drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm (see class poly.mod for more information).


list with the same length as model, where each element identifies the items(rows) in the corresponding set of item parameters associated with the model(s) identified in model.


Class poly.mod, directly.
Class list.poly, by class poly.mod, distance 2.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]

See Also,

Separate Item Parameters


This function splits the item parameters in the specified object into discrimination/slope parameters, difficulty/step/threshold/category parameters, and lower asymptote/category probability parameters.

Usage, cat, poly.mod, dimensions = 1, location = FALSE, 
  loc.out = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric', cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix', cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame', cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...)

## S4 method for signature '', cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list', cat, poly.mod, dimensions, location, loc.out, ...)



Object containing item parameters. For details on the formatting of parameters for specific item response models see the corresponding methods (i.e., drm, gpcm, grm, mcm, and nrm ). See the Methods section for for details on how to format the item parameters when combining parameters from multiple models.


vector identifying the number of response categories for each item. If multiple-choice model items are included, cat for these items should equal the number of response categories plus one (the additional category is for 'do not know')


object of class poly.mod identifying the items associated with each IRT model


number of modeled dimensions


if TRUE, the step parameters are deviations from a location parameter


if TRUE, the step/threshold parameters will be reformated to be deviations from a location parameter


further arguments passed to or from other methods


Returns an object of class


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


###### Unidimensional Examples ######
# Create object for three dichotomous (1PL) items with difficulties -1, 0, 1
x <-,0,1))

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two polytomous 
# (gpcm) items without a location parameter (the parameters are 
# formatted as a matrix)
dichot <- matrix(c(1.2, .8, .9, 2.3, -1.1, -.2, .24, .19, .13),3,3)
poly <- matrix(c(.64, -1.8, -.73, .45, NA, .88, .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),
pars <- rbind(cbind(dichot,matrix(NA,3,2)),poly)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <-, cat, pm)

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items and two polytomous 
# (gpcm) items without a location parameter (the parameters are 
# included in a list)
a <- c(1.2, .8, .9, .64, .88)
b <- matrix(c(
  2.3, rep(NA,3),
  -1.1, rep(NA,3),
  -.2, rep(NA,3),
  -1.8, -.73, .45, NA,
  .06, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6),5,4,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(1.4, 1.9, 2.6, NA, NA)
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <-, cat, pm)

# Create object for three dichotomous (3PL) items, four polytomous 
# items, two gpcm items and two nrm items. Include a location parameter 
# for the gpcm items. Maintain the location parameter in the output.
a <- matrix(c(
  1.2, rep(NA,4),
  .8, rep(NA,4),
  .9, rep(NA,4),
  .64, rep(NA,4),
  .88, rep(NA,4),
  .905, .522, -.469, -.959, NA, 
  .828, .375, -.357, -.079, -.817),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(c(
  2.3, rep(NA,4),
  -1.1, rep(NA,4),
  -.2, rep(NA,4),
  -.69, -1.11, -.04, 1.14, NA,
  1.49, -1.43, -.09, .41, 1.11,
  .126, -.206, -.257, .336, NA, 
  .565, .865, -1.186, -1.199, .993),7,5,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(.14, .19, .26, rep(NA,4))
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(7, c("drm","gpcm","nrm"), list(1:3,4:5,6:7))
x <-, cat, pm, location=TRUE, loc.out=TRUE)
summary(x, descrip=TRUE)

# Create object with two groups then run
pm <- as.poly.mod(36)
x <-$pars, KB04$common, cat=list(rep(2,36),rep(2,36)), 
  list(pm,pm), grp.names=c("form.x","form.y"))
out <-
summary(out, descrip=TRUE)

###### Multidimensional Examples ######
# Create object for three dichotomous (M1PL) items for two dimensions 
# with parameters related to item difficulties of -1, 0, 1
x <-,0,1), dimensions=2)

# Create object for three dichotomous (M3PL) items and two polytomous 
# (MGPCM) items without a location parameter for four dimensions 
# (the parameters are included in a list)
a <- matrix(c(0.5038, 2.1910, 1.1317, 0.2493,
  2.9831, 0.4811, 0.3566, 0.4306,
  0.2397, 0.2663, 1.5588, 0.5295,
  0.2020, 0.2410, 1.2061, 0.5552,
  0.2054, 0.6302, 0.3152, 0.2037),5,4,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(c(0.5240, rep(NA,3),
  -1.8841, rep(NA,3),
  0.2570, rep(NA,3),
  -1.4207, 0.3041, -0.5450, NA,
  -2.1720, 0.0954, 0.6531, 0.9114),5,4,byrow=TRUE)
c <- c(0.1022, 0.3528, 0.2498, NA, NA)
pars <- list(a,b,c)
cat <- c(2,2,2,4,5)
pm <- as.poly.mod(5, c("drm","gpcm"), list(1:3,4:5))
x <-, cat, pm, dimensions=4)
summary(x, descrip=TRUE)

Summarize Item Parameters/plink Output


This function summarizes the item parameters for a given object. If the object is of class link, the function prints the linking constants


## S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ..., descrip = FALSE)

## S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ..., descrip = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'list'
summary(object, ..., descrip = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'link'
summary(object, ..., descrip = FALSE)



an R object. See details below


further arguments passed to or from other methods


if TRUE,print descriptive statistics for the item parameters in object.


The method for objects of class summarizes the parameters for a single group or multiple groups. If multiple groups are included in the object, parameters will be summarized for each group separately.

The method for objects of class summarizes the parameters for a single object.

Objects of class list can include any combination of or objects. The parameters will be summarized for each group separately.

The method for objects of class link prints the linking constants for n-1 groups. If descrip = TRUE, the method summarizes the parameters for all groups separately. The labels are specified in the following manner "group1/group2", meaning the group1 parameters were transformed to the group2 test using the associated constants. The base group is indicated by an asterisk.


Jonathan P. Weeks [email protected]


Weeks, J. P. (2010) plink: An R package for linking mixed-format tests using IRT-based methods. Journal of Statistical Software, 35(12), 1–33. URL

See Also,,,, link

Tong - Kolen (2007)


This (unidimensional) dataset includes three parameter logistic model (3PL) item parameter estimates from simulated dataset based on items from the 1992 Iowa Test of Basic Skills vocabulary test. The data are for six groups (grades 3-8) with varying numbers of common items between adjacent grades.




A list of length two. The first element pars is a list of length six. Each of the list elements in pars is a n x 3 matrix of item parameters where n differs for each grade. The second list element in TK07 is a list of length five identifying the common items between adjacent groups in pars. Each list element in common is a j x 2 matrix for j common items. For example, there are 13 common items between grades 3 and 4. The first list element in common is for the common items between these grades. The first column in the matrix show that items 14-26 in grade 3 are the same as items 1-13 in grade 4. Similar matrices are identified for all other grade pairs.


The parameters were obtained from Dr. Ye Tong at Pearson Educational Measurement and were used in the following article:

Tong, Y. & Kolen, M. J. (2007) Comparisons of methodologies and results in vertical scaling for educational achievement tests. Applied Measurement in Education, 20(2), 227-253.